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Contemporary Deutsch

Contemporary: A Word with Many Meanings

Definitions and Meanings

The word "contemporary" has a wide range of meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. As an adjective, it can mean "existing, occurring, or living at the same time" or "belonging to the present time." As a noun, it can refer to a person who lives or belongs to the same time period, or to something that is characteristic of the present time.

In art and literature, "contemporary" is often used to describe works that reflect the current era and its cultural and social trends. Contemporary art, for example, is art that has been created in the last few decades and is often characterized by its experimental and avant-garde nature. Contemporary literature, similarly, is literature that has been written in recent years and reflects the concerns and issues of the present day.

Usage in Different Contexts

The word "contemporary" can be used in a variety of different contexts, including:


In history, "contemporary" is used to describe people or events that belong to the same time period. For example, we might say that Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant were contemporaries, since they both lived during the American Civil War.

Art and Literature

As mentioned above, "contemporary" is often used in art and literature to describe works that reflect the current era. Contemporary artists and writers are often interested in exploring new and innovative ideas and pushing the boundaries of their respective fields.

Business and Finance

In business and finance, "contemporary" is often used to describe trends or practices that are currently in vogue. For example, we might say that a certain investment strategy is a "contemporary" approach to portfolio management.


The word "contemporary" is a versatile and widely used word that can have a variety of different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Whether you are talking about history, art, literature, business, or finance, "contemporary" is a word that can be used to describe something that is current, relevant, and of its time.
